
Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

...Are We Out of Unique Messages? (One Thought Thursday 031)








"There are no unique messages. Only unique messengers." Jadah Sellner

I have not been able to stop thinking about this quote for weeks.

In fact, I'm using it as my premise for our first One Thought Thursday of 2024 (πŸ₯³) because I can't focus on anything else.

We're Creatives by nature. Even those of us who grew up in excessively restrictive iterations of classical training... we still consider ourselves Creative people, right? at first glance, the idea of "no unique messages" feels like a punch to the gut. How will we flex these Creative muscles if there is nothing new to be communicated?

The thing is, I kind of believe it. I learned long ago that anything I considered to be an original thought on teaching could actually be traced back to someone else, like, 50 years ago. Without fail.

As the saying goes, there is nothing new under the sun.


We Creatives can rejoice in the fact that WE are new under the sun.😊

As Dr. Seuss once penned, "There is no one alive who is you-er than you". as you gaze upon the blank pages of your 2024 life story, I hope you will do two things:

(1) Release any pressure you feel to re-invent the wheel. You do not need a new message or a new process to make your mark on this world.

(2) Channel all Creative Energy into YOURSELF. May the next 365 days be an experiment of being unapologetically you.

If you need to attract more students, double-down on why YOU are the messenger students deserve.

If you crave more respect from studio families, work on highlighting the specific brand of TeacherMagic YOU bring to the table.

If you're constantly trying to stand out, ask yourself why. Maybe you need to stop trying so hard. Maybe you need to simply BE.


  • The content you provide students is important, but your delivery is what sets you apart.
  • No one has the same opportunity for influence over your students' lives as you do
  • Those nagging ideas that run circles around your brain? They are uniquely yours. Pay attention to them.

As always, thanks for being here to share these ponders with me! If you're feeling BRAVE, hit that reply button and tell me what makes YOU a unique messenger!

πŸ₯‚Here's to 2024: May we all embrace the distinctions that make us most ourselves." πŸ₯‚

January Happenings:

January Book Study

​I've shared before I re-read BrenΓ© Brown's book, The Gifts of Imperfection, every January.

...But this year, 50+ of you are signed up to join me!

We "officially" began earlier this week, but there is still plenty of time to jump in!

Studio Foundations Course

A new 6-week session of the popular Studio Foundations Course is coming! The "official" 6-week plan will begin on January 15th, but you can jump in NOW if you're ready to get started.

NEW! Teacher Cohort

This is HUGE, friends. My offerings have always been tailored to big-picture ideas, often applicable to teachers of all instruments.

Well... many of you write and ask for more DETAILS.

You want the nitty-gritty, how-to, daily-work of accomplishing this kind of instruction.


I'm opening up a *very* limited, 6-week cohort, beginning January 29th (yes, this is a little later than originally announced), where we will deep-dive into teaching students through their first year of piano study.

Participants will receive a 30-minute video at the start of the week, and we will meet online on Fridays to discuss the material in detail.

As always, the magic will come in the community we form.

The first cohort will be offered for $425.

Priority will be given to those who have already taken the Studio Foundations Course, as an understanding of those principles will fuel everything else we learn.

Again, I'm still hashing out the details, but if you'd like to be kept in-the-know, sign up for the mailing list!



Other Ways I Can Help You:

On the Podcast

The podcast is BACK with new episodes this week! Check out Episode 151: Cheers to Remaining Teachable (My One-Word for 2024).

If you're still thinking about the whole unique-messenger thought above, I'd recommend checking out is Episode 97: Cheers to Your Unique Creative Ambition. This episode affirms that, yes, there *is* a reason that one idea keeps pulling at your attention.

Can't-Live-Without Repertoire

There are SO MANY great "Color" collections for Intermediates out there, but this is the original (in my eyes). Bright Orange and Shades of Blue are consistent crowd pleasers, chock full of interesting rhythm and harmony.

A Favorite Thing

This time of year, my Happy Light keeps me consistent company while I'm working on my computer. I was skeptical at first, but I began using it two years ago, and I really do find it effective for warding off the Winter Blues.

Patreon Community

Great things are happening in the Patreon Community this month!

We continue our Monday Morning Power Hours and are adding 20-minute Zoom chats for the Book Study (available to both tiers of membership).

Join for $3 or $6 to check it out.

How I Teach

This week on the podcast, I talked a lot about how the process often matters more than the content itself.

This Starter Guide helps you build your own approach to teaching, rather than letting your method series be the proverbial tail-wagging-the-dog.

New Guest Appearance

I'll describe the backstory more in-detail next week, but my first podcast interview OUTSIDE of MusicTeacherWorld was released this week. I tried to make us all proud!


Onward and upward toward being authentically OURSELVESπŸ₯‚

Want to check out PAST One Thought Thursdays? Find the Archives Here.​

*This email may contain affiliate links. That's just smart business, but please know all recommendations are purely my own, and are absent of any icky ulterior sales motives.

1701 N Bob O Link Dr, Muncie, IN 47304
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Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

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