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I've been thinking a lot about what defines us in this career... ...and, I'm here to tell you: it's not the stuff on our résumé. Perhaps you know, I spent four days last week in a glorious bubble of PianoTeacherWorld known as NCKP (the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy). Gathering together with other teachers is ALWAYS a privilege, and I try to milk the experience for all it is worth. No surprise to me at all, my favorite session of the week was with a longtime hero of mine, Vanessa Cornett. (if her name sounds familiar, it's because her book, The Mindful Musician, was included on the Summer Bookshelf Tour this summer. See episode 132). Anyway. I can't possibly do her session justice, but she mentioned the idea of paying more attention to our un-résuméd selves and I was instantly OBSESSED. There are A LOT of feelings in our profession about the merits and limits of certain qualifications (like music degrees, which I discuss in episode 103). But - in the end - our lives (and our teaching careers) are defined by a myriad of things that do NOT get a line on our CV's. So, I'm issuing a challenge for you today: Make a list: What qualities and/or areas of expertise do you possess that make you the unique person you are? My degrees and work experience are shared by MANY of my incredible colleagues. They are not what set me apart. What does? Here are a few things:
Phew! That was a little nerve-wracking to share, but (since we're friends and all), I try to be an open book. 😆 May we all begin to embrace the unique qualities we bring to this musical table. For, in doing so, we just might inspire our students to do the same. 🥂 And now that I've told you some of MY identity-markers, IT'S YOUR TURN! What are the things that make you... you? Maybe it's an experience, maybe it's a quality... but think today about YOUR "un-résuméd self" and tell me what sets YOU apart from the rest. As always, thanks for reading! 👏
Other Ways I Can Help You:NOW: Hit that REPLY Button and tell me a few things that make YOU the unique teacher-human you are. Onward and upward toward inspiring others to live their own, authentic journeys. 🥂 Want to check out PAST One Thought Thursdays? Find the Archives Here. *This email may contain affiliate links. That's just smart business, but please know all recommendations are purely my own, and are absent of any icky ulterior sales motives. |
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