
Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

Big FIRSTS For Me.... (One Thought Thursday 047)

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

My sentimental self is having all the end-of-school-year feelings, and I'm starting to understand why I feel as though I've been crawling for the finish line.

Friends, it's been a year.

As I was recording Episode 167 this week, it dawned on me how many "firsts" I've had during the 2023-2024 academic year. It took me almost 29 years, but here are a few noteworthy initiations I've had this year (from silly to serious):

  • I had a student pee his pants in my studio for the first time. He was in a group class, admittedly having "so much fun", when he suddenly declared, "Mrs. Whitlock! I laughed so hard I peed my pants!". I went into crisis-mode, worried he was going to be mortified, but he stayed joyful as I packed his things and walked him out to his mom who was - thankfully! - waiting in her car.

Lesson learned: Perhaps there is such a thing as "too much fun" in class.

  • Unfortunately related, I had a student with the same type of "accident" during her performance at our local festival this spring. I told the whole story on Instagram with Janna Williamson. It's far from my favorite new studio trend, but, again, this student handled it like a champ.

Lesson learned: Try as I might, it's impossible to prepare Festival Judges for EVERY scenario.

  • My recent spring recital contained a CHAOTIC "first": but you'll have to listen to Episode 167 for those details. It's worth checking out, especially if you want a new "recital nightmare" to add to your collection. 😃

Lesson learned: There are many things more entertaining than a "perfect" performance.

These stories are all light-hearted and end with a laugh, but this year has thrown me some first-time emotional gut-punches as well.

  • My eldest student left this earth on Thanksgiving Day. She had lessons at 9am on Thursdays for SIXTEEN years. We lived so much life together. I had the profound honor of playing for her as she was at home in hospice care. Her (delayed) memorial service was held in a beautiful garden two weeks ago, on my recital day. Challenging as it was, we found a way to attend both (and I'm so glad we did).

Lesson learned: I'd long looked to her as a mother-type figure in my life, but hearing from her family and friends that she considered me a daughter? I was not prepared for how that would affect me.

  • I played a duet with a longtime student at his 8-year-old brother's funeral. Truth be told, the loss of our little friend, William, has colored most of this year for me in one way or another. But preparing his brother to play for his funeral? That was an emotionally-complex experience I will carry with me always.

Lesson learned: We just never know what our student relationships will hold. One day, they're just cute and quirky kids. The next, we're navigating the toughest stuff of life together.

Did YOU have any "firsts" in your studio this year? Silly or serious... I WANT TO KNOW! Hit that REPLY button and tell me all about it!

🥂Cheers to riding the unique waves of each studio season. The unknown has so much to teach us.🥂

On a whim, I decided to offer a 20% sale on all my pre-recorded resources. Through Friday, use code may20 at checkout to help you solve the following TeacherProblems:

TeacherProblem No. 1: You struggle with questions of whether or not your chosen method series is the "right" one.


You are tired of letting the book dictate the pacing of your instruction, but you don't know how to approach lessons any other way.


You are frustrated with the limitations of method books on the market and think the only solution is to write your own.

Let Me Help: Check out my Starter Guide, Making the Most of Your Chosen Method.


TeacherProblem No. 2: You are discouraged by students who always seem to prioritize SPORTS over LESSONS.


You are on the lookout for community-building strategies for your studio

Let Me Help: Check out a special recording of my most popular conference session, The Varsity Musician's Playbook.


TeacherProblem No. 3: You are questioning how to stay satisfied in this profession for the long-haul.


You are looking to build/deepen your personal philosophy of teaching


You are looking for big-picture guiding principles to help increase your effectiveness as an educator.

Let Me Help: The Studio Foundations Course will give you plenty to think about!

Other Ways I Can Help You:

This Week on the Podcast

Episode 167 gives an important reminder for ALL of us: Some things are better than perfection.

Check it out to hear about the recital snafu I never saw coming.

Patreon Community

This crew keeps me going.

From Monday Morning Power Hours to monthly meetups for Teachers Teaching Teachers, this community has proven to be one of the most encouraging spaces the Internet has to offer.

Can't-Live-Without Repertoire

I was recently reviewing old recital videos and forgot how fun the third movement of this collection is!

Add "The Windy City" to your late intermediate collection TODAY.

Free Stuff!

Find my collection of free downloads here. I am confident there's something there for everyone.

Don't forget to HIT REPLY and tell me YOUR studio "firsts" from this year! 🥂

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Find the Archives Here.

*This email may contain affiliate links. That's just smart business, but please know all recommendations are purely my own, and are absent of any icky ulterior sales motives.

1701 N Bob O Link Dr, Muncie, IN 47304
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