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Studio Teacher Thanksgiving: Day 5 |
Hello, Studio Teacher Friends! Welcome to DAY FIVE of Studio Teacher Thanksgiving. ๐ฅ This is it! Thanks for joining me this week. I hope this series has resulted in more intentional gratitude throughout your week. Missed a Day? I've got your back!
Day Five Reflection:Perhaps this is predictable if you know me - but we CANNOT have a week of Studio Teacher Thanksgiving without giving thanks for the composers/publishers/content creators who make us look good (and help us do our jobs more effectively!) Today's Challenge is similar to how we started the week: Think of someone who creates resources you love and send them a quick note of thanks. (Bonus points if you purchase something from them; nothing adds fuel to a Creator's tank faster than that!) I've been on a self-imposed spending freeze, but I just followed by own advice and picked up Diane Hidy's Smart Scales resource. Nothing makes me happier than having new resources to play with! HIT REPLY and tell me who you contacted! I would absolutely love to see a wave of gratitude sweep our composer (etc.) communities today!
Offerings from Christina:...and just for fun!Check out last year's video from Studio Teacher Thanksgiving, Day 5 (and, if nothing else, enjoy the hilarious screen grab!). |
1701 N Bob O Link Dr, Muncie, IN 47304 |
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