
Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

DAY FOUR: Studio Teacher Thanksgiving! ๐Ÿฅ‚

Studio Teacher Thanksgiving

Studio Teacher Thanksgiving: Day 4

Hello, Studio Teacher Friends! Welcome to DAY FOUR of Studio Teacher Thanksgiving. ๐Ÿฅ‚

Today's email is serving "double-duty" as a stand-in for my usual One Thought Thursday.

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The video, above, introduces our fourth point of gratitude for the week.

Today we talk about gratitude for the wealth of opportunities available to us as musicians, teachers, and generally-good-human-beings.

To continue in the spirit of this month's One Thought Thursday reflections, today I'm asking: What's something you said YES to this year that maybe should have been a NO?

I don't ask this question to shake my finger-of-blame at you. On the contrary, it's important to take note of the SPECIFICS around these situations.

Many of us reading this know the path to over-commitment is an easy one to find. Rather than saying, "I always take on too much" and dismissing yourself as a lost cause, I think it's important to track the things that cost you more than intended.

SO friends: that's the question. Last week we chatted about our BEST yesses; what about our (for lack of a better term) worst yesses of 2023?

I shared mine in the video below, and now it's your turn. Hit that reply button (or head to the Facebook Group!) and tell me: What YES from this year should have been a NO?

Again - don't get caught up in regret; simply name it and move on. There's no shame in living and learning. In fact, that's kind of the point of life, right?

I'll see you again tomorrow for Day FIVE!

Late to the party?

  1. โ€‹Link to Day 1 of Studio Teacher Thanksgiving
  2. โ€‹Link to Day 2 of Studio Teacher Thanksgiving
  3. โ€‹Link to Day 3 of Studio Teacher Thanksgiving

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...and just for fun!

Check out last year's video from Studio Teacher Thanksgiving, Day 4

video previewโ€‹

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