
Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

DAY THREE: Studio Teacher Thanksgiving! ๐Ÿฅ‚

Studio Teacher Thanksgiving

Studio Teacher Thanksgiving: Day 3

Hello, Studio Teacher Friends! Welcome to DAY THREE of Studio Teacher Thanksgiving. ๐Ÿฅ‚

This weeklong celebration of intentional gratitude started last year, drawing many of us closer together as we shared our experiences.

First things first...

This is the ONLY time of year I send daily emails. You'll hear from me this week Monday through Friday.

video previewโ€‹

The video, above, introduces our third point of gratitude for the week.

Today we talk about the abundance of "fresh starts" afforded to us each day.

Your challenge is - simply - to remind yourself at the start of each lesson today that the slate has been wiped clean.

...that's all for today, Teacher Friends! I'll see you again tomorrow for Day FOUR!

Late to the party?

  1. โ€‹Link to Day 1 of Studio Teacher Thanksgiving
  2. โ€‹Link to Day 2 of Studio Teacher Thanksgiving

New offerings from Christina and Beyond Measure Podcast:

...and just for fun!

Check out last year's video from Studio Teacher Thanksgiving, Day 3

video previewโ€‹

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Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

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