
Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

...I Accomplished a Big Thing; Why Don't I Feel Better?.... (One Thought Thursday 021)

This week on the podcast, I talked about the fact that most goals are moving targets.

It can be overwhelming for our students - and ourselves - to realize the Infinite Cycle of Being A Musician: accomplishing one musical skill opens the door to new things to overcome, and on and on it goes...

Again, check out Episode 147 for more on that.

TODAY: I want to focus on you. I want to talk about what happens when you accomplish a goal you've long desired.

I know a lot of musicians who work for years auditioning for professional orchestras.

This is, obviously, an incredibly competitive field.

THEN, they actually land the "dream gig". It's a HUGE accomplishment.

And what happens next? Life is actually, still, very much the same. Challenges are still challenging. They are still the same person; just with a new title. Which IS terrific, of course…

...But I hear about this happening in SO MANY fields. People achieve whatever the focus of their work has been: they land the job, they lose the weight, they take the dream trip… whatever… and then what?

Sometimes our goals deceive us into thinking they are going to change everything once accomplished. Instead, I think it's best to see them as affirmations we are doing good work. That's it; no more, no less.

I always laugh when I think of Kendra Adachi (known online as The Lazy Genius). She tells a story of when she received the phone call her first book had been named a New York Times Bestseller. I don't recall the exact details, except it was one of those exceedingly-normal, "everyday" kind of days. I believe she hung up the phone, went to tell her husband, and realized he was (ahem) using the bathroom.

She notes the strangeness of achieving this ENORMOUS accomplishment, yet looking around and realizing nothing had actually changed: Her children still needed her in all the usual ways, her husband needed to wrap things up in the bathroom before he could give her a hug...

...Talk about anti-climactic, right? ☺️

I think we've all been there, in one way or another.

We accomplish something we've longed dreamed of, and yet:

  • No angelic choir appears
  • No giant check lands immediately in our hands
  • Family members are still sick or struggling
  • The house still needs tidied
  • The primary "stuff of life" is all very much the same

It can be a little discombobulating, can't it?

More than anything, friend - as usual - I just want to say, I get it.

If you have ever felt as though life's circumstances did not live up to a warranted celebration, I want you to REPLY TO THIS EMAIL and tell me about it.

I want to celebrate you. Regardless of how "big of a deal" you think your accomplishment is/is not, I want to take a moment and acknowledge your efforts.

...celebrating oneself is hard, but necessary. ☺️ Let's "right the universe" by sharing some positive accomplishments together.

🥂May we learn to see accomplishments as signs of work well done, and to acknowledge good work as its own reward. 🥂

Other Ways I Can Help You:

On the Podcast

If you've ever struggled with the fact that one goal seems to unleash a never-ending cycle of MORE goals, check out Episode 147.

Patreon Community

My Patreon crew is the BEST collective of teachers on the internet (though, I may be a bit biased). ☺️ Need a network of teacher friends? We have your back.

Can't-Live-Without Repertoire

I keep seeing my teacher friends posting about selecting Christmas music, and I wanted to share my forever-favorite collection with you. I played these pieces when *I* was in middle school and they continue to be my sentimental favorites.

One-to-One Teacher Consultations

If you are looking to make any changes (or upgrades!) to your studio approach in 2024, I'm happy to help you work out your ideal vision.

A Favorite Thing

Last week, I shared my favorite self-inking stamps (that have been going strong for over a decade!). My friend, Laura Dalbey, messaged me this week to show me the same stamps in an "official" Teacher Edition! Check them out.

NOW: Hit that REPLY button and tell me something that deserves to be CELEBRATED!😊

Onward and upward toward acknowledging the "real world implications" of our accomplishments (or lack thereof)! 🥂

Want to check out PAST One Thought Thursdays? Find the Archives Here.

*This email may contain affiliate links. That's just smart business, but please know all recommendations are purely my own, and are absent of any icky ulterior sales motives.

1701 N Bob O Link Dr, Muncie, IN 47304
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Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

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