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Nelson Mandela is quoted as saying, "May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears." In this week's episode of the podcast, I examined an aspect of setting tuition rates that is rarely discussed: charging enough to enable you to give back to your community in whatever way(s) you desire. To me, this is a perfect example of making choices based on hope, not fear. As many of us are looking ahead to next year and planning revisions to studio policies and tuition, I'm challenging you to ask yourself how many of your decisions are being made in hope, and how many are fueled by fear? What do you want for yourself, your studio, and your community next year? Sure, it's important to consider all the what-if's. But - in the end - I believe it pays (literally and figuratively!) to make decisions based on projections of hope, not fear. I hope this gives you something to ponder this weekend! Featured Help for Studio Teachers:
Cheers to YOU, my music teacher friend! Be sure to hit reply and tell me what fuels your decision-making: HOPE or FEAR? Onward and Upward toward embracing our hopes!
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