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"Draw a map of your perfect day... on a banana." ...These are not directions I expected to encounter in my lifetime. But due to the (delightfully) random nature of paths-we-take-on-the-internet, I recently found myself in a webinar with Anne Stark Ditmeyer, where she challenged us to do just that. Why a banana? Because it's ridiculous. π It's impossible to take anything too seriously when you're struggling to draw a map on a banana. I could give many reasons why I loved this challenge, but my biggest takeaway was this: It has been SO LONG since I've asked myself what a "perfect day" in my world would include. Sidenote: I try to avoid The P Word at all costs. For actual human beings, perfection is rarely attainable, and, therefore, a dangerous notion. But this was NOT an exercise in planning our perfect day so we could manifest it into reality... ...It wasn't even designed to inspire actual change in our schedules. Instead, it was simply a practice of naming what we love about life. It's an opportunity to dream and imagine; without running everything through those pesky grown-up filters ("Is it possible?" "Can I afford it?" "Is it practical?") β Because my brain gets easily overwhelmed when confronted with endless possibilities, I chose to focus on my ideal "normal" day. (No vacation destinations, larger-than-life experiences, etc) Attempting to walk myself through my perfect day proved to be an exhilarating challenge. ...and now I want YOU to give it a try. No bananas required. What experiences would be included in your "perfectly normal" day? What tastes/smells/sounds/sights? Who would be there? How would you want to feel? ...not in an, "Oh, I'd love to spend all day reading in bed and having my meals served to ME for a change..." (that may be something to shoot for on occasion, but it's not a normal day). If you could list the things that would happen in the "everyday" of your dreams, what would make the list? I recognize the temptation here: "Cool thought, Christina. Maybe I'll think about it later..." ...But I want you to stop here, hit "reply" and tell me FIVE THINGS that would be included in your PERFECT "Everyday" Day. I am genuinely curious what feels ideal to you. The fantastic bonus of this exercise is, in hindsight, I now realize I've been neglecting some of my favorite things in life... several of which are quite simple to include. The other stuff? Well, we'll count them as future goals. The truth is this: It's easy to struggle with discontentment, especially when we forget to pause and consider what we want from our time. So, sure: your reality likely differs from your "ideal vision" for everyday life. But taking a moment to actually decide what you desire is an important step toward a contented life. There's the challenge, friends! HIT THAT REPLY BUTTON and tell me FIVE THINGS that would make the list when you describe your ideal, average day. In return, I'll reply with five of mine. π₯In a world that continues to throw around the term "self-care" in a haphazard manner, may we each take a breath to decide what we actually desire from our day-to-day lives. π₯
Other Ways I Can Help You:NOW: Hit that REPLY button and tell me FIVE aspects of your ideal day! I'll share mine when you share yours. π β Onward and upward toward more NAMING WHAT WE WANT! π₯ Want to check out PAST One Thought Thursdays? Find the Archives Here.β *This email may contain affiliate links. That's just smart business, but please know all recommendations are purely my own, and are absent of any icky ulterior sales motives. |
1701 N Bob O Link Dr, Muncie, IN 47304 |
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