
Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

...On Classy, Honest Endings (One Thought Thursday 008)

I have a bit of an obsession with endings.

I think - in the long run - the way something ends has a tremendous impact on how people remember it.

This shows up in lots of ways:

  • As a musician, I'm particularly contemplative of the way I shape the ends of phrases, as well as the way I end a piece. Obviously, this shows up in my teaching as well. Start strong and end stronger, as I always say...
  • As a teacher, I'm adamant that taking the high road when a student chooses to leave your studio is always worth it. When students stop lessons feeling like they couldn't (or simply didn't) meet expectations, they are unlikely to recall the experience as anything worthwhile...
  • As a human being, the way a relationship ends often colors the way we reflect upon that entire connection. I don't think I need to elaborate on this one. You know it's true...

All of these things - combined with the fact that I HATE goodbyes - left me sitting alone in a quiet house this past Saturday morning with tears running down my face. I was listening to Leila Viss - quite unexpectedly! - declare her Key Ideas Podcast was finished (at least, for the time being; I'm all about leaving space for her to come back 😊).

There are a host of reasons I will miss Leila in my ears: some are obvious, and some are purely sentimental. Key Ideas launched less than two months before Beyond Measure, and I always enjoyed knowing we were in this together.

...but the tears were also flowing because of Leila's honest reflections as to why she was putting this project to bed. I encourage you to listen for yourself, because she wraps it all up so beautifully.

I was impressed with the way Leila balanced her truthful confession that podcasting was losing its luster in her life, while also noting the realities of time and finances when it comes to a project of this nature.

The truth is, we are fortunate to be in a profession full of generous, creative spirits - and we can all get a little spoiled by free content.

When it comes down to it, it's important to remember the Creatives we love often can't, won't, and don't have to do it forever.

Those of us who make the leap into content creation sometimes feel a weight of responsibility around whatever we have built... but we also need to be cognizant of where our creativity is leading us next.

Sometimes goodbye is the best answer, and I'm grateful to Leila Viss for her exemplary leadership in this regard.

So - much like I said back in One Thought Thursday 001 - take time today and be intentionally thankful for the voices and resources you have in your life in this moment.

We never know when life will lead them in a new direction.

(Much like the fact that restaurants seem to LOVE taking my favorite items off the menu without my consent, but I digress...) 😜

To Leila and the countless others who regularly contribute to our profession (good golly, there are SO MANY OF YOU), consider this my MEGA THANK YOU. Piano teaching is infinitely more enjoyable because of your work.

...and to ALL of us in MusicTeacherWorld, may we recognize our great fortune in the wealth of free material available to us, and scout out ways to support the champions of our profession that help us look so good at our jobs.

ARE YOU WITH ME?! Rather than clicking reply to ME today, go message a different Creative who makes a difference in your life and tell them THANK YOU!


Other Ways I Can Help You:

Can't-Live-Without Repertoire:

Since I highlighted Jason Sifford's Weightless collection last week, I thought I'd continue the outer-space theme (in case anyone is looking for a good recital theme next year)!

I love Carolyn Miller's Musical Planets. They are a bit easier to play than the Weightless collection, but still geared toward that late elementary student. Check it out!

A Favorite Thing

If you know, you know.

Pro tip: I superglue all Iwako pieces together so they don't go missing.

Support the Podcast on Patreon!

For $3 or $6 a month, you can add rocket fuel to my content creation tank (and help me justify the extensive time it takes to produce the podcast). There are also some pretty great benefits of membership to say thanks.

On the Podcast

The Summer Bookshelf Tour continued this week, with our fifth stop: Big Magic, by Elizabeth Gilbert. I happen to think this episode brings with it some game-changing applications to studio teaching.

Other Summer Bookshelf Tour recs are available on my Favorites page.

Studio Foundations: 6-week session

We'll be starting up a new 6-week session of the Studio Foundations Course in September. If you want to get started early, jump on in!

Set yourself up for your most satisfying - and effective - teaching year yet!

Piano Pedagogy for High Schoolers

I'm considering running the online version of my 6-week pedagogy course this fall. If you have high school students who play at the intermediate level or above and are interested in piano teaching, please have them sign up at this link to receive more information.

...Don't forget to go say THANK YOU to a favorite content creator.

Send that DM, reply to that email, write the review, buy the thing... whatever you can do! Artists need to support artists, friends.

Cheers to each of us making a positive mark on our communities. 🥂

Want to check out PAST One Thought Thursdays? Find the Archives Here.

*This email may contain affiliate links. That may be smart business, but please know all recommendations are purely my own, and are absent of any icky ulterior sales motives.

1701 N Bob O Link Dr, Muncie, IN 47304
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Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

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