
Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

...On Making Your List of YES.... (One Thought Thursday 024)

"Winners have the ability to step back from the canvas of their lives like an artist gaining perspective" Denis Waitley

I'm already a sucker for all things self-reflection, but this quote by Waitley makes me fall even more in love with the practice.

Imagine a sculptor chiseling into his block, frequently stepping back in an attempt to see what others will see. He tilts his head, maybe he squats down or raises up on tipped-toes to see from all the angles...

He plots his next steps: Some feel clear and certain. Others surely cause some trepidation. Maybe the weight of "I only have one shot at this" occasionally takes hold of his thoughts...

Making space for intentional self-reflection is like this, right? The goal is to look objectively at what our life is actually shaping up to be, rather than what it looks like close-up, moment-to-moment.

The end of December will surely be filled with prompts for self-reflection nearly everywhere we look. The problem is: I often struggle with the overwhelm of seasonal demands to do a proper job of it.

So - I thought I'd use One Thought Thursdays to get a head start, of sorts. For the next few weeks, I'll offer up one question for you to ponder about your year (or life) thus far.

Today's question is this: What did you say YES to in 2023?

As I discussed in this week's podcast episode: teachers say YES to a lot of things. So much so, we are frequently advised to begin saying NO. 😊

While that may be good advice, the truth is, we are fortunate to have a variety of skillsets that bring an array of opportunities our way.

Today, I'm encouraging you to take a few minutes and make a list of all the things you said YES to in 2023.

Did you say YES to any new students this year? New volunteer opportunities? Did you take on a new role in your family, or embark on an unfamiliar adventure?

Maybe you said YES to yourself; establishing different priorities or pursuing a dream?

Whatever comes to mind, write it down. Start a new note in your phone or grab a favorite pen and notebook (we all know how much teachers love our office supplies!).

Self-reflection doesn't have to be complicated; we just need to make space for it to happen.

As you make your list, I'm curious to know one of your YES moments of 2023. If you'd like to share with me, hit that REPLY button and tell me something you said YES to this year.

🥂May we begin to see how our moment-to-moment shapes our year-to-year. Here, here. 🥂 (wow; that rhymed! Ha!)

Other Ways I Can Help You:

On the Podcast

This week, I shared the importance of planning for larger chunks of time away from teaching. Check out Episode 150 if you need a reminder that, just because you CAN teach week-after-week-after-week with no break, it doesn't mean you SHOULD.

Patreon Community

Members of the Patreon community (1) are the reason I'm able to afford putting my work into the world, (2) have the opportunity to join me in Monday Morning Power Hours, and (3) have access to a pretty impressive video archive of TTT chats and other resources, if I do say so myself - for just $6.

If you are interested in supporting the work I do, you can do so for $3 or $6.

Can't-Live-Without Repertoire

Last week, I shared Catherine Rollin's Preludes, which reminded me I haven't yet shared THESE essentials: Robert Vandall's Prelude collection.

Like Catherine Rollin's, Vandall's Preludes come in three books, but I always recommend the Complete edition. You're going to want all three anyway, so you might as well save some cash and buy them as one!

A Favorite Thing

If you have graduating seniors in your studio this year, it's a great time to begin watching for price drops on my favorite graduation gift.

One-to-One Teacher Consultations

If you are looking to make any changes (or upgrades!) to your studio approach in 2024, I'm happy to help you work out your ideal vision.

Did you catch my latest YouTube Teaching Demo?

You can catch my 20-minute overview of Catherine Rollin's Prelude in B-flat Minor on the YouTube Channel.

Please check it out, hit that subscribe button, and do all the You-Tubey things. ☺️

NOW: Hit that REPLY button and tell me something you said YES to this year!

Onward and upward to better self-reflection practices!🥂

Want to check out PAST One Thought Thursdays? Find the Archives Here.

*This email may contain affiliate links. That's just smart business, but please know all recommendations are purely my own, and are absent of any icky ulterior sales motives.

1701 N Bob O Link Dr, Muncie, IN 47304
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Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

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