
Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

...On the Economics of FEELINGS ... (One Thought Thursday 030)

People don't pay for goods and services as much as they think they do. More often, they pay for the way those things make them FEEL.

If you caught this week's Encore Replay of Episode 096, you already know this is the thought I'm pondering this week.

Teachers often ask me how to improve their student retention rates, and my best answer is THIS:

Create feelings your studio families don't want to give up.

This doesn't mean you have to throw quality instruction out the window in favor of warm/fuzzy/empty praise (please don't!).

...but it does mean we should be considering how we want students to FEEL just as much - or maybe more? - as we consider what we want them to DO.

You may be determined to help Johnny FINALLY conquer that two-octave scale fingering this afternoon. That's a great goal, but it's even MORE important to consider how you want Johnny to feel about the experience.

Personally, my goal is always threefold. I want students to feel:

  • Capable
  • Accountable
  • Invested-In

I often refer to these three things my Trifecta, and I really do think they are essential to an effective lesson experience.

Yet - even within that framework, there are MANY different "vibes" our studios can take on.

As I discussed in this week's episode, I believe there is room for all of us. You can listen to the podcast (or read the written transcript) here, but suffice to say: one of the best things you can do to build a profitable (and satisfying) studio is to decide what YOUR studio vibe is.

...and, once you decide, GO ALL IN.

As I re-listened to my own words this week, I got tickled by the fact that I referred to my vibe as an Equal Opportunity Cheerleader.

But it's TRUE! I believe all students are capable of finding satisfaction at the instrument. That looks different from human to human, but doubling-down on this encouragement and obsessively-highlighting-every-point-of-progress has proven very successful to my "brand" of teaching.

Wrapping up -

I feel a bit like a broken record this week, but shifting our attention from tasks to FEELINGS is one of the most important considerations I have to offer as we prepare for 2024.

Can you summarize your studio vibe in three words or less? If so, HIT REPLY and tell me! If not, give it some careful thought this week (and get back to me when you can).

Thanks for joining me this (and every!) Thursday as we travel this TeacherLife together, friends!

🥂May we remember - as Maya Angelou famously said - people never forget how we make them feel." 🥂

Coming in January 2024:

I have some EXCITING THINGS COMING, friends! Honestly, I'm still hashing out details, but join these lists to make sure you get all the details.

January Book Club

I've shared before I re-read Brene Brown's book, The Gifts of Imperfection, every January.

This year, I figured I would bring you along with me!

If you're interested in exploring this book together this January, sign-up below and you'll be the first to get details once they're firmed up.

Studio Foundations Course

A new 6-week session of the popular Studio Foundations Course is coming! The "official" 6-week plan will begin on January 8th, but you can jump in NOW if you're ready to get started.

NEW! Teacher Cohort

This is HUGE, friends. My offerings have always been tailored to big-picture ideas, often applicable to teachers of all instruments.

Well... many of you write and ask for more DETAILS.

You want the nitty-gritty, how-to, daily-work of accomplishing this kind of instruction.


I'm opening up a *very* limited, 6-week cohort, beginning January 15th, where we will deep-dive into the first year of piano study.

Participants will receive a 30-minute video at the start of the week, and we will meet online on Fridays to discuss the material in detail.

As always, the magic will come in the community we form.

The first cohort will be offered for $425.

Priority will be given to those who have already taken the Studio Foundations Course, as an understanding of those principles will fuel everything else we learn.

Again, I'm still hashing out the details, but if you'd like to be kept in-the-know, sign up for the mailing list!

Other Ways I Can Help You:

On the Podcast

I've already mentioned this week's Encore Replay of Episode 096: Cheers to Naming Your Studio Vibe.

A timely companion to THAT episode is Episode 012: Cheers to ONE WORD (for teachers). This episode takes the annual tradition of framing your year around one word, but puts an unexpected student-spin on it.

Can't-Live-Without Repertoire

Carolyn Miller is absolutely a go-to composer for me. This collection is a great way to have access to many of her celebrated works.

December Performance Challenge!

It's not too late! THE best (easiest!) way to keep your students playing throughout the holiday blitz is right here... for FREE!

PS: Long before I ran this challenge the whole month of December, I used it over Winter Break instead. It really helped keep students playing over the holidays!

A Favorite Thing

This set of transparent (!) sticky notes has been an absolute favorite discovery of 2023. I love the variety of colors and sizes, and keep discovering new uses for each size.

Patreon Community

My Monday Morning Power Hour crew has quickly solidified themselves as an absolute highlight of my week.

Want some accountability to get stuff done on Monday mornings (11am eastern time)? Join the Patreon - at any level - and get access each week.

How I Teach

A key component in being an Equal Opportunity Cheerleader (ha!) is embracing CONCEPTUAL progress, rather than defining success as passing pages in a method series.

This Starter Guide helps you build your own approach to teaching, rather than letting your method series be the proverbial tail-wagging-the-dog.

NOW: Hit that REPLY button and tell me YOUR STUDIO VIBE (in three words or less!)

Onward and upward toward prioritizing FEELINGS!🥂

Want to check out PAST One Thought Thursdays? Find the Archives Here.

*This email may contain affiliate links. That's just smart business, but please know all recommendations are purely my own, and are absent of any icky ulterior sales motives.

1701 N Bob O Link Dr, Muncie, IN 47304
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Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

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