
Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

Quantity AND Quality (One Thought Thursday No. 54)

What I'm pondering today:

Why have we been told we must choose Quantity OR Quality?

I'm always on the lookout for false dichotomies in life. Any time I am presented with two choices, I've trained myself to ask is this truly an either/or situation?

Spoiler Alert: Most of the time, the answer is no.

I've been thinking about how often we double-down on decisions to choose QUALITY over QUANTITY.

(After all, that's generally the more appealing choice, right? Not many of us willingly admit to choosing quantity over quality.)

This false dilemma presents itself to PianoTeacherWorld in many ways, but most notably in our approach to repertoire.

We sometimes struggle to balance the idea of more repertoire with the specific attention to detail we desire.

...but it doesn't have to be one or the other!

Of COURSE I want my students to play with keen attention to detail (aka, quality). But...

When it comes to assigning repertoire, there are aspects of QUANTITY that matter, too.

A foundational part of our job is to help students feel capable.

Here's the thing: no one feels capable when they are assigned the same piece week after week after week (unless it's specifically designated as something that is meant to take longer to learn).

We all know the magic of checking something off our to-do list. Accomplishments feel good, and they motivate us to tackle more.

Our student repertoire is no different.

I believe - in addition to "stretching" repertoire - most students should be given pieces they will conquer in a week or two - whether that's found in their method series, or elsewhere.

I also present them with sightreading in the lesson that will allow them to see the skills they possess right there, in that moment.

And yet - being intentional about quantity does not mean I need to reduce my attention to quality.

I can still pass along my obsession with articulation and phrasing to my students, even as they complete multiple smaller works.

We can still have "stretch" pieces in the mix, and we can choose to "level-up" favorite pieces along the way when we want to dig REALLY deep.

At the end of the day, it's not the level of the repertoire that builds the quality I'm looking for in my lesson experience.

It's my instruction - my words, demonstrations, and delivery - that will build the desired outcomes.

I've long contended we don't let our students spend enough time in repertoire that feels easy for them.

Let this be your reminder to consider assigning pieces at varying levels this year. You will be amazed at how confidence grows when students routinely conquer more repertoire.

🥂Cheers to embracing quantity AND quality. May we remember the two are *not* mutually-exclusive.🥂

I've shared my thoughts: Now it's YOUR turn!

Do you recognize other areas of teaching where we mistakenly choose Quality over Quantity, or vice versa? I can think of several... but I'm curious what stands out to you. HIT THAT REPLY BUTTON and tell me what comes to mind!

(Please know, I read EVERY response to these e-letters. I can be slow to reply, but it doesn't mean I don't LOVE hearing from you!)

More Ways I Can Help You:

This Week on the Podcast:

This one's for us, friends! We're talking about the ABSOLUTE LIFELINE of teacher community in Episode 184. Yes, we *can* teach in a vacuum, but finding colleagues to grow with makes the whole experience more meaningful.

What Should I Teach Next?

The third (and, for now, final) installment in the What Should I Teach Next? series is officially uploaded to the Beyond Measure Community in Patreon.

It has been SUCH FUN to read profiles of real students and take note of the challenges we all see in our studios.

I've loved seeing the repertoire YOU are teaching, and - of course - I've had a blast recommending a wide variety of resources as your next steps.

If I could add a few more hours to each day, this series would continue indefinitely.

But - for now - we'll stick with three installments and consider it good.

Favorite Things

I took inventory of all my favorite office supplies last week. As you do the same, don't sleep on this set of TRANSPARENT STICKY NOTES. I love the variety of sizes and colors in this set. They are infinitely useful and one of my very favorite teacher things.

Must-Teach Music

I am prepping a space-themed studio recital - in our local planetarium (!) - and am currently a walking encyclopedia of every piano piece involving stars/planets/rockets/etc.

I've always loved Jason Sifford's Weightless collection , but it's extra-appreciated now because he's created space-themed pieces that are more than pedal-heavy pieces built on the whole tone scale.

(Those are great, but after three or four of them, everyone is ready for something else).

Teacher Consults

Curious how to implement more supplemental repertoire, or how to structure a lesson in a way that gets you off the hamster wheel of "Assign-Pass-Repeat"?

These are just a few recent topics I've covered with consultation clients.

If you are looking for personalized feedback on areas you're hoping to grow in, consider booking an initial consult for $99.

FREE Principles of Written Communications

One of my most popular freebies is this rundown of how to craft effective, yet endearing, written communications in your studio.

Check it out in my collection of Free Downloads!

Tired of Your Method Calling All the Shots?

If you want to stop being the teacher who "turns the page and sees what happens next", this resource is your next right thing.

This Starter Guide provides a helpful reframe for what a method series is - and what it's not. It also provides THE number one exercise I believe we *all* should be doing.

Don't forget to HIT REPLY and tell me YOUR observations about Quality vs. Quantity!🥂

Want to check out PAST One Thought Thursdays?

Find the Archives Here.

*This email may contain affiliate links. That's just smart business, but please know all recommendations are purely my own, and are absent of any icky ulterior sales motives.

1701 N Bob O Link Dr, Muncie, IN 47304
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Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

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