
Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

Self-Imposed Deadlines: *Cue Facepalm (One Thought Thursday No. 60)

"Today we often use deadlines - real and imaginary - to imprison ourselves." Arianna Huffington

Ouch. That feels extreme, right?

Yet, I'll say with certainty I am frequently a victim of my own deadlines.

I love goal-setting. Few things feel better than making a clear intention to accomplish something worthwhile.

And - what do they say about goals? A goal is a dream with a deadline (or something to that effect).

Goals are great. It's those deadlines that can get us in trouble.

As an online content creator with a squirrely brain, I *have* to have deadlines or nothing will get published.

Yet, because the deadlines I set are almost entirely my own, it's easy to become discouraged when life leaves me falling short of my intentions.

...If I'm not careful, the hits just keep coming...

I'm setting goals/deadlines for my studio, my business, my home, my family, my health... none of which are actually enforced by a governing body.

As you know, it's easy to become your own judge, jury, and executioner... and that's not beneficial for anyone.

Chris Voss is quoted as saying, "Deadlines are often arbitrary, almost always flexible, and hardly ever trigger the consequences we think - or are told - they will."

I think this is one of those all-important lessons in "adulting":

We must find balance between setting timelines for goals, while recognizing those deadlines are likely less-consequential than we imagine.

Sigh. When I was in college, a friend used to always proclaim, "Men! Can't live with 'em...can't live without 'em."

...since I have a man I love living with 😂, I guess I'm finding a new vocational spin on that idea:

DEADLINES. Can't work with 'em... Can't work without 'em. 🙃

🥂 Cheers to understanding the complexities of self-imposed deadlines. May we be diligent enough to pursue our goals, yet gracious enough to keep consequences (and lack thereof) in perspective. 🥂

TELL ME FRIEND: What self-imposed deadline(s) do YOU struggle with? I'd love to be reminded I'm not alone in this! Hit REPLY and let me know!

Please know: I read every response, even though I might be slow at replying.💜

This Week on the Podcast:

As a perfect illustration of self-imposed deadlines, I spent last weekend planning to take the week OFF the podcast entirely.

When I woke up on Monday morning, I COULDN'T. STOP. THINKING about publishing a replay, so I finally did so to assuage my nagging brain.

While I knew it was FINE (even, normal! healthy!) to take the week off, something inside me needed to re-share the ideas of Episode 053.

In hindsight, after receiving very-kind feedback about the episode, I'm glad I listened to my gut.

Making haphazard exceptions in our studios leads to A LOT of hurt feelings, discouragement, and resentment. If you are someone who struggles with being "a push-over" this Encore Replay is for you.


We've had many composers stop by to visit during our monthly meet-ups, and I have another great one for you tomorrow!

Wendy Stevens (of is joining us for Teachers Teaching Teachers, as we look at her - timely! - piece, Pretty Creepy.

As always, we'll spend the first half hour chatting about Teacher Wins, Woes, and Questions, then we'll spend the second half hour sharing teaching techniques for several concepts found in our selected piece.

I'll also be sharing ideas for EASY Halloween-week activities, etc... be sure to check out the Learning Together tier of the Patreon Community.

We meet LIVE on Friday (10.25) at 11am, eastern time. Replays are always available who cannot attend.

Favorite Things

I've famously converted many sticker-loving teachers into STAMP teachers.😅

Seriously. Stamps are a quicker, tidier, more compact, more decisive, and (likely!) less-expensive alternative to stickers.

If you love your stickers, keep them! I'm not judging you. 🤣

...but if you don't, GET YOURSELF SOME STAMPS.

Must-Teach Music

Maybe you're tired of reading about recommendations for Gillock collections (I suggest them often)...

...but I'll never stop recommending his wonderful music!

Accent on the Seasons is such a useful book, with several pieces befitting each season.

I appreciate how these works are not entirely "on the nose", offering alternatives to traditional "seasonal" pieces for those who appreciate a change of pace!

Consultation Services

If you find yourself in need of a repertoire coach, idea partner, or pedagogical mentor, I've got your back!

Don't forget to HIT REPLY and tell me what self-imposed deadline sends YOU over the edge! 🥂

Want to check out PAST One Thought Thursdays?

Find the Archives Here.

*This email may contain affiliate links. That's just smart business, but please know all recommendations are purely my own, and are absent of any icky ulterior sales motives.

1701 N Bob O Link Dr, Muncie, IN 47304
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Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

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