
Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

I Missed Something Important. (A Confession)

Today, I Confess: I Missed Something Important.

Phew! My inbox/DMs have been BUSY with listener thoughts on this week's podcast episode: Cheers to Discernment in Coaching Programs and Other Online Offerings.

It's telling that *so* many people are willing to talk privately on this topic, but very few public comments have been made.

I totally get it. I didn't want to talk about this either, but I've reached a tipping point with consult clients who have traded way too many dollars for terrible advice from business coaches with no understanding of Studio Music Teacher World. 🌍

Regardless, as I listened back to my own words this week, it dawned on me: I missed something IMPORTANT.

In Episode 202, I mentioned three reasons that one SHOULD pay for a coach/course/resource.

  1. To put "skin in the game": Some of us need the pressure of a financial investment to ensure we follow through on our goals and/or desires.
  2. To support a creator: If you consume a lot of free content from someone you trust, it makes sense to buy "their thing" when you are in a financial position to do so. That way, they'll be able to afford to keep making the free content you love.
  3. (Most obviously) To address a specific pain-point in your work. I'm a big fan of trusting the experts. Yes, sometimes we can piecemeal information together from around the web, but if something is causing you deep discomfort, paying someone to teach you the solution might be just what the doctor has ordered.

There are plenty of other reasons you should purchase online support/education, but I want to highlight one more today:

Because you want to.

When writing episode 202, I fell into one of my least-favorite traps: making life all about work.

The 21st century American view that our days must be filled with things that lead to more important things forever and ever amen is something I fundamentally despise.

So, I'm writing today to make this important clarification.

The pursuit of learning is always a noble goal, friends. Taking advantage of online resources should not only be done to alleviate stressors related to our work.

Sometimes we just want to learn more because it's fun and it makes us better humans.

...and in a world where you can find an online course or training on absolutely anything, we are (very fortunately) able to learn all sorts of things "just because".

SO: I'm curious, teacher friends. What topics are YOU interested in learning more about. Whether it's for work or play, I hope you'll hit reply and tell me.

And - just because I'm an avid collector of information - if there is an online course/coaching/resource/program you are exceptionally GLAD to have purchased, will you let me know? 💜

🥂 May we continue to model the EXCITEMENT of learning for those in our circle of influence. Let's remember our legacies extend far beyond what we accomplish in our work. 🥂

On the Podcast:

While today's Confession focused primarily on why you SHOULD purchase online offerings, Episode 202 also provides important considerations to make sure you are investing wisely.

An Online Offering I Love:

As we're focused on online offerings this week, I wanted to draw your attention to Amy Chaplin's Digital Organization Coaching.

I kid you not; I've paid to take this coaching series TWICE. That's how much I love it.

If you are frustrated by your lack of organization when it comes to your inbox, photos, desktop, etc., Amy provides REAL systems to help you move forward with peace. ✌️

Must-Teach Music

My mission to bring you THE BEST recital music out there continues...

If you're not familiar with this series, well... you're welcome!

My Elementary students often play through Book 1 of Piano Recital Showcase at some point in their study. The teacher duets are lovely and every single piece sounds mature.

Support Beyond Measure

It's Teachers Teaching Teachers Week! 🎉 Tomorrow (Friday) at 11am eastern time, SuperFriends in my "Learning Together" community will gather to discuss a favorite repertoire collection (and engage in a pretty lively Q+A).

Support the podcast, make new teacher friends, AND learn new things. It's a true trifecta. 🤍

A Favorite Read

If you have NOT read Every Good Boy Does Fine by Jeremy Denk, you are missing out on a beautiful memoir. I really took my time reading it because I wanted to savor every second.

YouTube Update!

I'm on a quest to find new TeacherFriends so I am running a limited series on YouTube, featuring quick recaps of some of my favorite episodes. Be a pal and like/subscribe to my channel! 💕

Action-Packed Pep Talks

If you find yourself grappling with repertoire selections, teaching specific concepts, or wanting to tighten up next year's studio policies, booking a 1-1 consultation with me might be your next right thing.

Don't forget to HIT REPLY and tell me an online offering you are GLAD you purchased... or what you are interested in learning just for the fun of it.🥂

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*This email may contain affiliate links. That's just smart business, but please know all recommendations are purely my own, and are absent of any icky ulterior sales motives.

1701 N Bob O Link Dr, Muncie, IN 47304
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Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

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