
Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

Teaching as Treasure Hunting (One Thought Thursday 014)

One of the perks of my job these days is hanging out with brilliant people...

...whether it's consult clients, Patreon community members, or - most recently - an alumni gathering of teachers who have taken my Studio Foundations course.

Last Friday, I hosted a meetup for my course alumni, and friend/colleague Anna Fagan shared something that gave us all goosebumps.

She said (don't mind me while I paraphrase):

Piano lessons are like a treasure hunt. Not for the students - but for US, as the teachers. Every student holds musical potential; it's like buried treasure. Our real work is to follow their clues and, ultimately, unearth it.

(at least, that's MY takeaway from what she said)

I think the best part of that sentiment is the idea of following the clues our students provide.

There are some "default" solutions often recommended to keep students interested: usually involving changes in repertoire or adapting our practice expectations.

And - while I'm a big fan of choosing the right repertoire AND contemplating the role of practice - I think we can easily miss the boat when we're too quick to jump to these "solutions".

Hear me: I love teaching students to play chords and pop tunes, but it's not a magic band-aid to save every student.

(this is me....ducking for cover)

In fact, I believe most students can find at least some enjoyment in historical literature.

(yep. I said it)

The clues our students leave for us involve a careful study of:

  • What lights them up?
  • What discourages them?
  • When have they surprised you?
  • Have you ever seen them with that smile-they-can't-wipe-off-because-they're-so-stinking-proud-of-what-they've-done?
  • When are they most authentically themselves in their lessons?

None of these questions have EASY answers, but when you make a point to take note of these things, you will find your answers.

And THOSE answers are your clues to your incredible buried treasures.

As Patreon community member, Janna Williamson, often says, we must be students of our students.

(See what I mean? MORE brilliant people I get to spend time with in my musical community!)

🥂May we all remember the REAL work of teaching is following clues our students leave us, and may we continue to unearth musical treasures that surpass our wildest dreams. 🥂


Hit that REPLY button and let me a treasure YOU have unearthed recently. I want to celebrate with you!

As always, thanks for reading! 👏

Other Ways I Can Help You:

From the Archives

If you enjoyed this letter, you'll likely enjoy episode 102: Cheers to Understanding the Student in Front of You.

NEW! YouTube Channel

Okay, so my return to full-time teaching this week did not jive with my content-building plans for the new YouTube channel... but thanks to those who subscribed last week!

I have some REALLY fun content planned, so go "smash that subscribe button" (as my kids would say) and know that good things come to those who wait.

Can't-Live-Without Repertoire

I had SUCH a great time filming a teaching demo for this: one of my most-frequented student recital selections.

If you have intermediate students who love brooding, minor pieces, this is a must-have.

BONUS Repertoire Lists

Last summer, in honor of my 40th birthday, I put together a list of 40 of my favorite Supplemental collections.

I've been getting a lot of questions about my love for supplemental literature after my interview on Dynamic Piano Teaching, so I thought I'd share this again.

FYI: This is all non-historical literature.

Support my work on Patreon

Are you an artist who cares about supporting other artists? Do you find value in the work I put into the world?

If your finances allow, I hope you'll consider a $3 or $6 contribution.

A Favorite Thing

I just shared this recently, but I'm doing it again because - as I returned to teaching this week - I just don't know how I ever lived without this.

It's sleek, functional, and - for whatever reason - makes me feel like a professional.

This Week on the Podcast

Episode 139 offered a kick-in-the-pants reminder of the limitations we encounter when relying too heavily on written communication.

One-to-One Teacher Consultations

Only a handful of consultation appointments remain for August, so if you've been considering booking one, I'd recommend moving quickly!

Studio Foundations: 6-week session

We'll be starting up a new 6-week session of the Studio Foundations Course in September.

Register NOW to secure your spot!

NOW: Hit that REPLY Button and tell me about buried-student-treasure YOU have unearthed.

Onward and upward toward being better students of our students! 🥂

Want to check out PAST One Thought Thursdays? Find the Archives Here.

*This email may contain affiliate links. That's just smart business, but please know all recommendations are purely my own, and are absent of any icky ulterior sales motives.

1701 N Bob O Link Dr, Muncie, IN 47304
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Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

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