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The Happiest Bill You Will Ever Pay (One Thought Thursday 043)
Published 11 months ago • 3 min read
"All my bills say OUTSTANDING. I guess that means I'm doing great!" unknown
(I thought we could all use a chuckle since it's tax season; AKA the only time of year I ever question my choice of profession).
Seriously though, after spending a few weeks putting pen-to-paper for Episode 163, I can't help but reflect on the bills I pay with pure joy.
...there aren't many of them, but there are a few...
I mentioned at the close of this week's podcast that my daughter's violin tuition is the easiest check to write.
As someone who tends to scrutinize where every penny goes, spending is often fraught with emotion around here.
...But knowing I'm supporting a quality educator whose relationship with my child I value? Money is an easy exchange for that. 🤍
My piano tuner was here over spring break. He's great at his job, has a young family to support, and his work on my piano makes me look (and sound) better. Go ahead: take my money! 🤣
Those services are a lot more fun to pay for than my 13-year-old's braces (though, truthfully, there are blessings to be found in that as well).
Spending money is just like spending time: keeping dollars and minutes to ourselves doesn't mean we're any happier. Joy comes from making careful choices to exchange them for a life that matters.
So now, it's YOUR turn, friend!
Hit that REPLY button and tell me something you're all-too-happy to exchange money for. 😊
🥂Cheers to finding joy in unlikely places; even in paying our bills. 🥂
Episode 163 examines the ways we - as Artists - spend our money.
The premise is simple: We all choose to spend money on things than matter to us.
As Creatives, we need to find balance between our frugal (by necessity or otherwise) tendencies and supporting Artistic endeavors that we know make the world a better place.
Oh; and I (lovingly) call out Piano Teacher World for our temptation to depend on free content. 🙈
There's been chatter lately in some popular Facebook teacher groups about how difficult it is to share ideas online, for fear of ridicule. If you're looking for a group of teachers who lead with empathy and an endless desire to learn new things, look no further than my Patreon crew.
It's like a pre-vetted support system. I love it for me, and I love it for those who have joined me on the journey. 🤍
I fell in love with Naoko Ikeda's piano compositions years ago, and they NEVER disappoint.
This collection is full of evocative solos. It's impossible for me to choose a favorite, but I'm a sucker for early-intermediate waltzes and "Valse Innocent" fits the bill perfectly.
Tired of reminding students to sit up tall? Introducing: Mr. Sloppy (named by one of my most-charming students).
OG credit to Diane Hidy for introducing me to the magic of these collapsing finger puppets, giving students a no-words-necessary reminder to sit properly at their instrument.
*This email may contain affiliate links. That's just smart business, but please know all recommendations are purely my own, and are absent of any icky ulterior sales motives.