
Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

The Things I DON'T Do (One Thought Thursday 007)








You know it's true: we're bombarded every day by picture-perfect representations of our colleagues' lives.

In TeacherWorld, our feeds are filled with innovative teachers who seem to be doing it ALL.

Well, friend... I'm starting a new trend. ๐Ÿ”ฅ


...not because the things are wrong - or not worth doing - but simply because we CAN'T do everything. Each of us has to decide what fits into our wild lives, and what doesn't. Every "yes" means saying "no" to something else, right?

Maybe - just maybe! - if we all talked more about the things we WEREN'T doing, the online world wouldn't feel like a looming pit of comparison-envy.

Want to give it a try?

I'll go first, since this is my letter and all...

I don't do elaborate studio incentive programs. I haven't even given stickers out in YEARS (!). I know, I know... can I even legally call myself a piano teacher if I don't give away stickers?

I don't host multiple recitals each year. We have a handful of smaller performances throughout the year, but only one formal studio recital in late-April.

I don't play a lot of games in my lessons. I tend to believe making music is sufficient play in itself. Sure, I own a lot of games (I love supporting my fellow Creatives!), but it's pretty rare for me to pull them out in lessons.

I don't teach family friends or members of our church congregation. I talked about this in episode 54 of the podcast, but my husband and I prefer not to complicate relationships that originate outside of the studio.

I don't give makeup lessons. (Ditto: Episode 54)


SO...TELL ME: (1) Are we still friends after I've made these confessions? AND, (2) What are some things YOU don't do?

Click reply and let me know!

PS: Teachers Teaching Teachers (TTT) meets THIS WEEK, and I have an EXTRA-SPECIAL surprise for all attendees!

Our repertoire focus for this month will be Shining Sol, from the Weightless collection, by Jason Sifford. This is a favorite supplemental collection of mine, and...

...HERE'S THE BEST PART: Jason will be joining us for our chat!

If you're not sure what TTT is, it's a monthly bonus for those enrolled in my "Let's Party" Patreon Subscription.

That's $6 to say thanks! for the content I put out into the world, and for access to tomorrow's chat (before you ask: yes, it's recorded for those who can't attend live. Woohoo!).

TTT meets for an hour on the last Friday of each month at 11am (eastern time).

We spend approximately 30 minutes helping problem-solve whatever studio struggles come up in discussion, and another 30 minutes examining the pedagogical opportunities of a specific piece of repertoire.

The best part of TTT? Hands down, it's the fact that I've managed to attract a BRILLIANT group of teachers to that group, and the ideas we generate together are always a highlight of my month.

...if you've been considering giving it a try, it's a great time to join. Catch the Jason Sifford edition of TTT on Friday, June 30th, at 11am (eastern time).

Other Ways I Can Help You:

Can't-Live-Without Repertoire:

Well, in light of our TTT feature this week, it seems fitting to share the Weightless collection (by Jason Sifford) with you today. Every piece is imaginative and loaded with teaching opportunities.

A Favorite Thing

I love the visual cue these collapsible giraffes give my students to correct their posture. I gift one to all my pedagogy students so they have a reminder that words are not always the best path to correction.

Teachers Teaching Teachers (TTT)

As described above, members of the Let's Party! tier in Patreon get access to this once-a-month online gathering that is WAY BETTER than your typical Zoom meet-up. Do you trust me? Give it a try this week!

On the Podcast

The Summer Bookshelf Tour continued this week, with our fourth stop: The Mindful Musician, by Vanessa Cornett. Other Summer Bookshelf Tour recs are available on my Favorites page.

Studio Foundations: 6-week session

If you're not afraid of playing a little catch-up, you can still join us this summer. We are at the halfway point and are gearing up for a bi-annual Zoom chat in August!

Level-Up Your Teaching Game with ME this summer!


Don't forget to HIT REPLY and tell me something you DON'T do in your studio.

Cheers to each of us! Choose your time wisely, my friends.

Want to check out PAST One Thought Thursdays? Find the Archives Here.โ€‹

*This email may contain affiliate links. That may be smart business, but please know all recommendations are purely my own, and are absent of any icky ulterior sales motives.

1701 N Bob O Link Dr, Muncie, IN 47304
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Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

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