
Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

...What is NOT Working in This Season of Life (One Thought Thursday No. 50)







I shared some things that ARE working for me in this season of life on the podcast this week ...

...but what about the things that AREN'T working?

Aren't those more fun to hear, anyway? Why is that?

I digress.

Without further delay, enjoy this list of 3 things that are NOT working for me in this season of life:

No. 1: Writing a Book

I guess I'm leading with the big one here, friends!

It's true: I'm trying to write a book.

And it's NOT working. 🀣

Apparently, it's hard to carve out MORE time to write, when you're already writing/recording/producing a podcast AND a heartfelt newsletter each week.

(Plus kids... and students... and the Patreon community... and, well, you know how the story goes...)

This summer feels like the perfect time to shake things up and (hopefully) carve out some more time to WRITE THIS DANG BOOK. πŸ˜…

(Don't worry; you'll be among the first to know when I get close enough to start talking about it!)

This is particularly vexing because it's only the first of at least FIVE (!) books I hope to write in my lifetime. If it's taking me this long to get ONE off the ground, I'd better find a stride so I can birth these things into the world.

Here are some changes I'm making for the next few months in an attempt to score myself some more writing time:

  1. Summertime Conversations (!) on the podcast. That's right! Beginning next week, I'll be joined by some familiar - and some not-so-familiar - voices on The Beyond Measure Podcast. We'll be revisiting topics from previous episodes of the show. These conversations have been a JOY to record. While they are still quite work-intensive, it's fun to use different parts of my brain. Up first? Revisiting Episode 005: Cheers to the Quiet Ones. Look for it Monday morning!
  2. A One Thought Thursday Hiatus: Sad, but true - I'm taking a break from writing weekly OTTs this summer. You'll be off doing amazing things, anyway. I'll still pop in your inbox occasionally to check in, but here we are at One Thought Thursday NUMBER FIFTY, and that feels like a nice round number to hit the pause button on.
  3. I am only teaching FOUR WEEKS this summer! πŸ₯³ I've been slowly backing off the number of weeks I teach during the summer months, but this is definitely the most time I've ever taken off. We all get to choose how we handle summer. I may not always want this much time off; but right now, it feels GREAT.
  4. My Summer Pedagogy Study for High Schoolers is strictly virtual this summer, rather than offering multiple formats for the course as I typically do. There are still some "live" touchpoints, but for the most part, this will allow me to deliver the value of the course in a time-efficient way.


No. 2: Comparison

We all know comparison is the thief of joy.

Even still, knowing better doesn't automatically solve the problem, does it?

I can always tell I'm in a season of unhealthy comparison when I start analyzing OTHER people's work.

...more truthfully, it's when I find myself more prone to *criticizing* other people's work.

As a content creator myself, I typically look at the programs, resources, and promotions of my fellow Creatives with a sense of total admiration.

We have so much to be inspired by in our profession!

...and yet, there's an unflattering aspect of my humanity that bubbles up from time to time and makes me start criticizing work I see out in the world.

  • I find myself being annoyed by marketing tactics or the way someone chooses to approach a particular topic.
  • I struggle with envy over numbers or how much output someone has.
  • I inwardly debate someone's qualifications, for better or for worse.

And, while it is important to approach everything we see online through a filter of reality, I do not want to feel "in competition" with anyone in this space.

...and I don't, 99% of the time.

But as soon as I feel those criticisms boil up, I always know it's much less about the content I'm seeing, and much MORE about my own battle with comparison.

No. 3: Student Assignment Formats

I'll be quick with this one... but something has to give on my student assignments.

Here's a quick summary of my journey with assignments:

  • I used to give students an assignment notebook. That evolved into an assignment binder.
  • During pandemic lockdown, I was one of the many teachers who transitioned to Tonara, an online assignment platform.
  • As you likely know, Tonara shut down (I was not disappointed; I was pretty disenchanted with them, anyway).
  • While Tonara competitors jockeyed for everyone's attention, I decided to stay out of the fray and bide my time. I decided I would let students "opt in" for whichever assignment delivery system they wanted: Assignment sheets in their binders, or virtually, via Google Docs.
    • I had this whole theory that - maybe I just needed to accept different systems work for different people and it was my responsibility to adapt to each student.
    • While that sounds nice in theory, I am SO tired of juggling assignment methods. Knowing so-and-so needs an assignment sheet, but so-and-so has a Google Doc is more information than I wish to keep in my brain.

...all that to say, I need to decide on an assignment delivery system for this coming year. I'm trying to remind myself there is no "right" or "wrong" decision; I just need to make a choice and see it through. I'll keep you posted!

Phew! That was a lot of words about things that are not working. ​
​My question for YOU is: What is something NOT WORKING for you this season of life? I shared mine; it's only fair to reciprocate, right? 😌 HIT REPLY and tell me all about it!

πŸ₯‚Cheers to naming ALL THE THINGS that make life worth living... as well as those that are distracting us from the good stuff.πŸ₯‚

Summer Opportunities Worth Sharing:

EXPANDED Patreon Offerings!

This summer, I'm playing Repertoire-Matchmaker over in the Patreon Community.

In lieu of our usual Teachers Teaching Teachers meet-ups, I'm going to be sharing recorded segments of a new offering, What Should I Teach Next?

The premise is this: Members submit a student profile. They tell me what their student has loved playing, what they haven't, etc.

Then, like magic, I match them with several pieces of supplemental repertoire that suits their description.

If you don't already know - choosing just the right pieces for students is one of my favorite things... so I am PUMPED to flex that muscle more this summer.

PS: All Patreon Members are also getting access to BONUS CONVERSATIONS from our Summertime Conversation Series. much value for such few dollars!


Propel to Excel: Online Summer Camp for Piano Teachers!

What do Marvin Blickenstaff, Leila Viss, Bradly Sowash, Kevin Olson, and *I* all have in common? 🫨

We are presenting LIVE at this exciting online event in June.
If you're looking to spend time learning from dynamic presenters WITHOUT traveling, this is the summer event for you.

Click this (affiliate!) link to get your ticket:

IN PERSON (and online!) Event in Cincinnati

You can also find me - LIVE AND IN PERSON - at Teacher Turboboost in Cincinnati this summer (July 20-21).

Nicola Cantan has put together a mind-blowing event, and I would LOVE to visit with you there.

PS: Virtual tickets are also available!

The Studio Foundations Course

After years instructing piano pedagogy courses in a variety of settings -
I always found myself wishing my students had a separate, introductory course on Foundational Elements of Teaching - before diving into the pedagogy of our chosen instruments.
​Thus, the Studio Foundations Course was born.​
This study functions as a Studio Teacher's Oath, of sorts; ensuring participants have given ample consideration to the type of educator they wish to be, before getting distracted by the everyday minutia of our work.

As a result? Teachers (some new, others not-so-new) have reported finding a greater sense of purpose, satisfaction, and effectiveness in their lessons. I’ll count that a victory.

…and here’s the best news: It’s all on YOUR terms. Move through the material at your own pace. Connect with other course alumni as you wish.

Summer is the PERFECT time to work though this material. I hope you’ll check it out!


Summer Pedagogy for High Schoolers

One of my very favorite offerings!

If you have high school students who play at the intermediate level or above and are interested in learning the ropes of piano teaching, please consider sending them my way.

PS: The nuts-and-bolts of running this program is what I'm speaking about at the Propel to Excel camp mentioned above!

Don't forget to HIT REPLY and tell something that is NOT working for you right now.πŸ₯‚

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*This email may contain affiliate links. That's just smart business, but please know all recommendations are purely my own, and are absent of any icky ulterior sales motives.

1701 N Bob O Link Dr, Muncie, IN 47304
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Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

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