
Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

...When Progress Feels S L O W ... (One Thought Thursday 029)

"Some quit due to slow progress, never grasping the fact that slow progress is progress." Jeff Olson

Oh, look... the piano teacher is talking about the importance of slow, gradual progress...

What. a. surprise. (sarcasm intended)

I venture to guess most of us have conversations about the value found in small, consistent steps on a weekly (maybe daily?) basis.

Despite frequent rantings on this important life lesson, I still occasionally find myself struggling with the realities of my own slow progress.

As we continue reflecting on 2023, I think it's beneficial to ask ourselves: Where did progress feel SLOW in my life this year?

We've all heard cliché statements about "the joy is in the journey", but I'd like to propose an amendment:

The GROWTH is in the journey.

Let me tell you a quick story about starting my podcast:

Once I finally decided to move forward with the Beyond Measure project (that's another story), I began recording Episode 001.

Friends, I cannot tell you how many times I recorded the first episode. I played around with setup, with content, with style...

That first episode went through countless changes before I had something that felt remotely worthy of sharing.

At the time, I was discouraged (to say the least) at how long it took me to get one episode pulled together.

But, in hindsight, I can see those months of trial-and-error helped me hone a vision for my show that I would not have come to otherwise.

That process is what brought me to my alter-ego of your Anytime Piano Teacher Friend. It clarified my mission of providing camaraderie above all else.

All those wayward recordings solidified the upbeat vibe I was going for: closing every episode with a toast, titling every episode, "Cheers to...", etc.

I laugh now, because those are all the trademark elements of my show. What did I even have before I decided on those things? 🤣

Yet, at the moment, I was flooded with thoughts like, "What is wrong with me?" and "What makes me think I can host a weekly podcast when I can't even get one episode together?"

Well, here we are three years and 150+ episodes later, and I'd say it's going pretty well. ❤


I'd like you to consider what feels slow to come to fruition in your own life. Then, I want you to ask yourself what you are learning in the process.

Because, again, the growth... the lesson... perhaps even the ANSWER ITSELF is found in the journey.

As I talked about in episode 107, we often credit our past experiences as bringing us to where we are now. While that is true, we forget we are STILL on our way somewhere.

(Thanks to writer/painter/thinker
Scott Erickson for writing the book Say Yes and helping me realize this transformative truth.)

On that note, if you're willing to share, I'd love to know: What point of progress in your life feels like it's taking "too long" to accomplish?

Hit that replay button and tell me!

Naming it very well may help you recognize you've made more progress than you thought (whether toward the goal itself or growth in other areas).

🥂May we recognize progress - at any pace - is the often-overlooked fuel of our own growth and development." 🥂

Other Ways I Can Help You:

On the Podcast

On the fifth of my year-end replays, I'm featuring Episode 037: Cheers to Money Talk. This classic episode looks into why financial conversations feel so difficult, and what we can do about it.

December Performance Challenge!

It's not too late! THE best (easiest!) way to keep your students playing throughout the holiday blitz is right here... for FREE!

PS: Long before I ran this challenge the whole month of December, I used it over Winter Break instead. It really helped keep students playing over the holidays!

Can't-Live-Without Repertoire

I love the "moment" rote repertoire is having in our profession (may it continue!) and this collection is a great one to keep on hand when you need it.

Favorite Reads

I recently added five of my most-recommended books to my Favorites list (including Say Yes, by Scott Erickson, mentioned above). If you're looking for some good non-fiction to read over the coming holidays, check out my recommendations!

Patreon Community

My Monday Morning Power Hour crew has quickly solidified themselves as an absolute highlight of my week.

Want some accountability to get stuff done on Monday mornings (11am eastern time)? Join the Patreon - at any level - and get access each week.

Studio Foundations Course

Our next "official" 6-week session will run in January, but I'm opening up the Studio Foundations Course to anyone eager to dive in NOW to prepare for their best teaching year yet!

You can join now for a sneak peek, then follow along with us in January!

NOW: Hit that REPLY button and tell me what journey in your life feels like it's taking TOO LONG. 😁

Onward and upward toward embracing the lessons learned on the journey!🥂

Want to check out PAST One Thought Thursdays? Find the Archives Here.

*This email may contain affiliate links. That's just smart business, but please know all recommendations are purely my own, and are absent of any icky ulterior sales motives.

1701 N Bob O Link Dr, Muncie, IN 47304
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Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

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