
Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

...When You Have TOO Many Ideas.... (One Thought Thursday 015)

Do you ever feel like you're drowning in your own ideas?

...I happen to think it's a pretty common Teacher Trait.

Not always, and not in every season...but there are certainly times when I get overwhelmed thinking of ALL the things I want to try with my students: opportunities I'd like them to have, new music I want to assign, philosophies I want to experiment with, ways I want to link parents into the equation... and on and on the list goes...

(and that's not even mentioning ALL the things I want to create for my teacher friends, like YOU). 😊

Sometimes those floodgates open and it feels kind of like a burden, right? To have all the ideas but struggle with finding the time/energy/resources to bring any of them to fruition?

Well - as usual - I've got your back.

I'm hosting a FREE webinar on Monday (08.28.23) called Getting Our Acts Together, where I'm offering up THREE action items to get us off to the right start with (1) our students, (2) their parents, and (3) OURSELVES.

As someone who simultaneously LOVES the promise of a new school year - but also gets overwhelmed by infinite possibilities - I think this is the perfect time of year to get ourselves organized and clear-visioned for the year ahead.

I know some of you think Zoom meetings are boring and impersonal... but give this one a try.

(I think you'll be surprised)

BONUS: I'll be sharing some new freebies and a special offer for the next 6-week round of the Studio Foundations Course.

Even if you can't attend live, make sure to register so you'll get access to the replay (and the free stuff!).

🥂May we all be better managers of our energy this year: Planning what needs planned, but also rolling with inevitable changes as they appear. 🥂


Hit that REGISTER NOW button so we can hang out on Monday - 08.28.23 - at 1:00pm (eastern time)

As always, thanks for reading! 👏

Other Ways I Can Help You:

Teachers Teaching Teachers (TTT)

Patreon subscribers in the "Let's Party!" tier have exclusive access to our once-a-month Zoom meet-up, where we dissect a piece of piano teaching literature together.

I look forward to this event all month long because *I* always walk away having learned something new, too.

August's meetup happens to be TOMORROW - Friday, 08.25, at 11am (eastern time). It's not too late to get your dose of camaraderie and education for the month!

Studio Foundations: 6-week session

We'll be starting up a new 6-week session of the Studio Foundations Course in September.

I'd love to see you there, so we can find you all the satisfaction and effectiveness MusicTeacherLife has to offer.

Register NOW to secure your spot!

This Week on the Podcast

Episode 140 is all about the often-un-named EMOTIONAL LABOR of teaching. Naming it as such - and acknowledging its role in our work - is an important step towards a healthy relationship with your teaching career.

Can't-Live-Without Repertoire

I was hunting for just-the-right historical literature for a late elementary student this week and I was reminded how much I *LOVE* the selections in this book.

I mean, anything that begins with a Quarrel Between Three Chickens has to be a winner, right?

A Favorite Thing

I resumed full-time teaching last week and quickly realized how many times I just kept this bongo pair tucked under my arm for the duration of a lesson.

I'm always interested in ways to use less words, and keeping a drum with me gives me an easy way to establish tempo, cue a return to steadiness, and so much more.

One-to-One Teacher Consultations

Phew! August appointments are all officially booked, but I have a handful of consult appointments available in September.

NEW (ish)! YouTube Channel

...I ended up getting sick with something pretty nasty this week, so video plans came to a screeching hault.


I have some REALLY fun content planned, so go "smash that subscribe button" (as my kids would say) and know that good things come to those who wait.

BONUS Repertoire Lists

Last summer, in honor of my 40th birthday, I put together a list of 40 of my favorite Supplemental collections.

I've been getting a lot of questions about my love for supplemental literature after my interview on Dynamic Piano Teaching, so I thought I'd share this again.

FYI: This is all non-historical literature.

NOW: Feel free to hit REPLY and tell me what YOUR biggest struggle is for the upcoming year.

Onward and upward toward better systems and healthier teaching! 🥂

Want to check out PAST One Thought Thursdays? Find the Archives Here.

*This email may contain affiliate links. That's just smart business, but please know all recommendations are purely my own, and are absent of any icky ulterior sales motives.

1701 N Bob O Link Dr, Muncie, IN 47304
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Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

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