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As you look around your studio this final stretch of the school year, take a moment to appreciate who is there. Let's face it: a LOT of teachers shift into coasting-mode this time of year. The "Best Efforts" of my May-self certainly don't match those of my September-self. ...but I want to point something out to you today... Those seniors who are graduating? They won't be part of your weekly existence for much longer. That middle-schooler who is on the fence about continuing next fall? You may not be seeing him much longer. And - call me crazy - but I feel it palpably when my circle shifts. When someone exits, I lose more than a student. I lose frequent communication with their family via text, email, or both. I say goodbye to people who have supported me with their kind words. I lose out on entertaining conversations with siblings on their way out the door. With any student exit, there is a lot to say goodbye to. (of course, sometimes, these are welcome farewells. THREE CHEERS FOR THOSE!) Earlier this year, as part of Amy Chaplin's Digital Organization Coaching, I was weeding through some very old emails. I was fascinated by this glimpse into my past digital life. Memories came flooding back as I read through seemingly-mundane emails about events, collaborations, lessons, and the like. Some of those communications were a decade old (ahem), and it dawned on me how different my circle is today than it was in 2013. (It also reminded me how far I've come in my business. Sending custom invoices individually?! Make-up lessons coming out my ears?! YIKES. Change is good, friends. Change is good.) ...regardless, your studio circle will likely look different next year than it does today. I took a moment this morning to read through my student roster and give thanks for each student and family I've worked with this year. Perhaps you'd like to do the same? I'd love to know how you're feeling about wrapping-up this year. Are you excited for the fall? Anxious? A little bit of both? Hit REPLY and let me know. Featured Help for Studio Teachers:
Thanks for being here for our (very first!) One Thought Thursday, friends! I adore this community. Don't forget to HIT REPLY and let me know how you're feeling about summer, fall, or BOTH! *This email may contain affiliate links. That may be smart business, but please know all recommendations are purely my own, and are absent of any icky ulterior sales motives. |
1701 N Bob O Link Dr, Muncie, IN 47304 |
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